Monday 16 April 2018

Alexander mais velho sistema de negociação de tela tripla

Alexander mais velho sistema de negociação de tela tripla
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Alexander mais velho sistema de negociação de tela tripla
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Kawasaki fica super-carregada sobre turnês supersport.
Sobre Aquela Ninja H2 SX Primeira História de Passeio.
À medida que as engrenagens das relações internacionais se transformam, uma oportunidade de ouro ocasionalmente se transforma em pedaços na malha. Essa é a história do primeiro passeio exclusivo da Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX, exclusivo da Motorcycle, no mundo. Tivemos a oportunidade de experimentar o novo carro-chefe de turismo esportivo de Kawi pouco antes de a moto ser anunciada como modelo dos EUA, e publicamos essa história e vídeo de passeio assim que foi anunciado oficialmente para o nosso mercado. Infelizmente para todos nós, parece que outros mercados ao redor do mundo não pareciam tão gentis com a enorme liderança que a MO obteve, então eles provavelmente entraram em contato com seus respectivos distribuidores nacionais que, por sua vez, provavelmente contataram a nave-mãe no Japão. Não demorou muito para que o distribuidor da Kawasaki nos EUA, KMC, começasse a receber fogo pesado dos oceanos e o nosso telefone editorial começou a tocar "& # 8230 ;. o que nos leva a esse vazio decepcionante.
Motocicleta leva nossas responsabilidades para nossos leitores muito a sério e é por isso que nós sempre lhe contamos diretamente, incluindo compartilhar nossas impressões negativas de primeiros passeios junto com nossa excitação sobre os pontos positivos. Da mesma forma, levamos a sério a nossa responsabilidade para com a indústria de motocicletas, e contanto que eles não estejam nos pedindo para encobrir falhas em um produto ou distorcer nossas impressões honestas, nós tendemos a concordar em ajudá-los quando solicitado. Neste caso, eles pediram, e por respeito à Kawasaki, concordamos em remover temporariamente nossa cobertura por algumas semanas até que o resto do mundo tenha a chance de experimentar a moto. Enquanto isso, continuaremos a trabalhar em scoops e primeiros passeios exclusivos, sempre e sempre que possível, e você pode apostar que ainda seremos a primeira publicação a ter uma revisão completa do passeio ao vivo, depois do primeiro evento de imprensa do H2 SX começa na Europa. Heck, podemos até mesmo ser capazes de re-filmar esse vídeo sub-par de primeira viagem!
Cotação de seguro grátis.
Cotação de preço de revendedor da Kawasaki.
Leituras Sugeridas.
Comunidades de Kawasaki.
Talvez seja demais. Isso é um cara de merda.
Então o que você está fazendo agora, varrendo sua loja ou limpando seus carros? Muito o cupê.
Então, o quanto ele tromp no sdr gt?
Eles são bicicletas diferentes, isso é mais uma superbike. O SRD-GT provavelmente será um pouco mais confortável, um pouco mais lento em uma linha reta e razoavelmente próximo nos cantos.
Interessante. Eu gosto de como os fabricantes estão esfola o mesmo gato com diferentes tipos de facas.
Sean eu preciso de você para saltar sobre isso. Um bom tiroteio na moda. Está bem. estilo corral: H2 SX, SDR GT, BMW XR, Veloce Lusso, Multi Strada e um FJR. Talvez uma Motus, alguma outra ideia? Vamos ver quem é o conceito de turismo esportivo que atinge o mundo real.
E eu quero ser um testador convidado, caramba!
Existe uma moto melhor para todos.
Isso faz parte da diversão.
E para emoções baratas, coloque um novo Tracer 900GT.
O SRD-GT seria um pouco mais leve, talvez?
Eu estou muito impressionado com esta máquina e ainda mais impressionado com a sua coragem e Evans, mostrando seu amor um pelo outro em um blog de moto macho.
México? Você teve a moto por duas horas e chegou ao México para uma corrida de alta velocidade? Atravesse a fronteira na rodovia 94 em Tecate? Essa é a única maneira de você chegar lá e voltar em duas horas.
Eu não sei porque eu precisaria de algo tão rápido, mas talvez eu devesse reduzir o tamanho do K1600.
Nenhum comentário, em todos os aspectos.
Muito legal. Um pouco caro (independentemente de alguns preços de bicicletas novos), um pouco pesado e um pouco não comprovado. Muito, muito legal, no entanto. Quão ruim era a distância ao solo em equitação agressiva (em comparação com uma bicicleta semelhante, talvez)? Além disso, a milhagem de gás? Um tanque com um galão de 5.0 litros é melhor em termos de consumo de combustível para ter uma boa autonomia. Eu gosto muito da ideia deste modelo. Estou interessado em ver até que ponto todos os detalhes, no decorrer do tempo, no mundo real, serão bem-sucedidos. Coisa boa.
Só tinha pouco mais de uma hora no selim, então o consumo de combustível ainda é um mistério neste momento. Distância ao solo foi aproximadamente comparável a outras bicicletas de turismo esportivo, mas parecia um pouco pior devido à sportbike como manipulação do H2 SX.
Justo e muito obrigado. Para frente.
Parece e soa como vale a pena cada centavo. Talvez eu vá para o cuzinho e faça deste meu novo polivalente & # 8230;
"Este é Larry com Geico"
“Uh, ok? Eu estou pago.
"Estamos monitorando seu histórico de navegação e só queremos lhe dizer preventivamente" & # 8230; NÃO."
* lágrima solitária corre pelo meu rosto *
Chamando-o de um tipo Ninja mata-lo no lado seguro. Deveria tê-lo chamado de Eluder ou algo assim.
O novo Kawasaki Geo Metro. Tem apenas um motor 1.0L!
Eu não sei qual palavra deixará as companhias de seguros mais confiantes, Ninja ou sobrecarregadas. GFL em seguros, se você é jovem o suficiente para ser corajoso o suficiente para realmente montar essa coisa.
Eu prevejo que todas ou quase todas as vendas serão para peidos velhos que são muito velhos e muito frágeis para realmente montar na fera, mas ricos o suficiente para pagar pela bicicleta e pelo seguro. Estranhamente, muito parecido com as pessoas que compram $ 30 & # 8211; 40K cruzadores e montá-los 500 milhas por ano. Vá até o ponto de encontro, deixe as pessoas admirarem sua bicicleta e ande com cuidado para casa. Jóias de bunda esmeralda?
Pessoalmente, eu adoraria ter uma corrida na pista longe da presença da polícia, mas o interesse zero em possuir a coisa hoje. Meu interesse poderia aumentar se eu fosse multimilionário e tivesse 10 & # 8211; 20 outras motos.
A boa notícia é o & # 8220; old farts & # 8221; não vai machucá-los tanto quanto eles lentamente os transformam em bicicletas usadas & # 8230;
LOL, não, realmente LOL. Fico feliz em saber que somos bons para alguma coisa.
Divulgação completa: Eu tenho 67 anos e atualmente estou transformando uma linda FZ1 em uma agora. Eu sei porque quando eu visito as montanhas de N. C & # 8230; East Tennessee e as montanhas do norte da Georgia, eu continuo recebendo aquela onda dos moradores locais & # 8230; & # 8221; obrigado por não me sustentar & # 8221; & # 8230; quando eu estou desesperadamente tentando segurá-los. Bem, quando estou sozinha posso voar.
Para taxas baixas, eles deveriam ter chamado de Ancião Artrítico.
O Boostron Kawasaki. Pressurizador, Velociraptor, etc. Isso enganaria as companhias de seguros por alguns meses.
Com certeza. O diferencial de preço do seguro entre um Ninja 650 e um Yamaha MT-07 faz com que o Ninja não seja um motor de partida. O mesmo aqui.
O mercado-alvo para esta bicicleta & # 8212; pessoas com o tempo e $$$ para usá-lo para viagens de longa distância & # 8212; são usados ​​para taxas de seguro como os US $ 79 por ano que eu pago por uma colisão completa, abrangente e US $ 3 mil em cobertura de farkle no meu vestido cheio BMW K-tourer.
Difícil imaginar que o Kwaker poderia ser US $ 1200 por ano mais emocionante, que é sobre o diferencial de custo de operações que estaríamos olhando.
Sortudo. Eu teria sorte de pagar menos de 3 mil por ano por esse monstro superalimentado.
US $ 79 por ano para cobertura total? Sem ofensa, mas isso é meio difícil de acreditar. Eu pago US $ 110 / ano por uma cobertura básica apenas de responsabilidade sobre minhas bicicletas mais antigas, e isso não mudou muito de estado para estado, ou de empresa para empresa, nos 20 anos que passei fazendo seguro de bicicletas. o que estou perdendo?
Sério, embora "# 8212; 33 anos com licença Maryland M Class, uma seguradora que também cobre minha casa e carros e uma política multibike. Eu não quero fazer você se sentir mal / pior, mas essa política inclui meu filho de 20 anos como piloto licenciado também. Atualmente tenho 5 motos na política, mas isso vai voltar para 4 assim que sua mola e uma moto forem vendidas.
Eu tenho 2 antiguidades & # 8212; 70s Airhead BMWs com responsabilidade apenas em US $ 75 cada, meu & # 8216; moderno & # 8217; bicicleta que é um 2000 K1200LT & # 8211; cobertura total & # 8212; @ $ 79 & # 8212; A Buell Blast (à venda!) @ $ 75 e nossa oferta de alto nível & # 8217; um 2016 CB500F, que custa US $ 119 para cobertura total.
Apenas as reclamações que recebi foram o reembolso de reembolsos por falhas de pneus traseiros no LT que não puderam ser reparados na beira da estrada.
Então acredite no que você quer, mas o seguro em todo o estábulo é menor do que a tarifa em uma perua.
Deixe-nos entrar no segredo. Quem é sua seguradora e melhor ainda qual agente?
Nesse tipo de tarifas, acho que podemos conseguir mais economias se o seu agente lhe der um bônus de referência.
Uau. Eu também estou no MD. Minhas motos são mais novas no geral, mas eu sou 42 com zero acidentes, e sem multas por excesso de velocidade nos últimos 5 anos (nunca em motos, não que isso provavelmente importe). Cinco bicicletas no total, dois carros (querem vender de 2 a 3 bicicletas). Carros na mesma política. Solteira, sem filhos. Eu suponho que "único cara" # 8221; é uma bandeira vermelha, não importa a idade.
A responsabilidade sobre todas as motos é de cerca de US $ 110-115 cada. O custo total para aqueles em que tenho cobertura total é de cerca de US $ 250 (US $ 250) e acho que US $ 450 (US $ 16 milhões). Esta é a Fazenda do Estado.
Eu sinto que estou perdendo, mas tendo ouvido o que muitas pessoas pagam por sportbikes ao longo dos anos, eu ainda sinto que estou indo razoavelmente bem.
Políticas multi-bike, por vezes, têm taxas estupidamente baixas na moto que eles acham que você monta o mínimo. Eu pago apenas US $ 144 por ano para cobertura total na minha Moto Guzzi na Califórnia em 2014. É de longe a moto mais valiosa da minha garagem, mas pago pelo menos pela cobertura. Vai saber.
Isso é uma barganha. Mas sim, às vezes eu lutei para encontrar a lógica por trás das taxas de seguro.
LOL, eles acham que vai estar na loja o tempo todo!
Pouco eles sabem que eu posso consertar a coisa meu próprio maldito!
Diz o sujeito que monta uma bazuca de urso bávara!
Pelo menos não vaza óleo.
Um gotejamento aqui e ali nunca faz mal a ninguém.
É verdade, mas borrifar como uma mangueira de incêndio nas minhas canelas era uma dor no rabo.
Lol qual modelo foi esse?
2007 Griso. Perdi isso assim que acabou, mas só por um tempo.
Eu considerei o Griso SE, mas eu queria um cruiser porque eu nunca tive um e o Cali parecia a máquina ideal. 8 meses depois e 5-6k milhas, eu não acho que cruisers são para mim. A moto foi maravilhosa embora.
Eu estou supondo que os cruzadores são bons para a cidade ou para as rodovias, mas levá-los para qualquer lugar perto de um desfiladeiro, e você vai querer para a distância ao solo. Você poderia ficar parecido com aquele cara maluco no vídeo do MOronic há um tempo atrás, mas se você andar dez décimos o tempo todo, você vai cair mais cedo ou mais tarde.
Na verdade, o Guzzi lida muito bem e ri de um ângulo de inclinação máxima lamentável da Harley, mas a beleza de um cruzador é na verdade na estrada aberta vagando sem esforço. Não é melhor montar para ver as vistas no meu livro. Mas não há diversão na autoestrada devido à posição de pilotagem, não posso pedalar forte nas montanhas (mas eu gosto de cruzar minhas estradas esportivas locais de vez em quando), e grande e pesada em torno da cidade. Eu descobri que é a bicicleta menos versátil que eu possuí, do ponto de vista dos tipos de passeios em que ela se destaca. É por isso que provavelmente será negociado para um roadster no próximo ano.
Sim, e essa coisa é a única coisa que minha moto não faz bem. Ah, tem torque em todos os lugares, mas do jeito que a I-4 gira e suga o ar, parece que eu estou montando um aspirador de pó.
Eu nunca tive um I-4, essa é uma das minhas preocupações sobre o CB1000R. Ela será entediante ou competente?
A única vez que noto é quando estou andando. Ao andar de 7/10 ou melhor, ou quando estou ocupado prestando atenção ao tráfego, a coisa é um sonho.
Kawasaki Comfort + Longtour DX.
Apenas diga a Geico; tem controle de tração. Isso deve resolver.
Seu melhor comentário de todos. Meu amigo ia comprar um H2, mas o seguro era de US $ 5.500 por ano, então ele desistiu.
Puta merda, eu estava esperando algo mais como 3500 $ por ano. Caramba, Larry estava certo & # 8230;
Basicamente, olhe, mas não toque. Como algumas cortesãs caras.
O Google está pagando US $ 97 por hora, com pagamentos semanais. Você também pode aproveitar isso.
Na terça-feira recebi um ótimo Land Rover Range Rover de ter ganho 11752 dólares nas últimas quatro semanas. Sem dúvida, é o trabalho mais confortável que já fiz. Parece inacreditável, mas você não se perdoará. se você não verificar.
Preço à parte (e ainda é mais barato do que um carro de tamanho médio), onde as seguradoras tiveram a ideia de que 20% do MSRP por ano é um prêmio legítimo para essa moto? Apenas viés baseado em HP? Confusão com o H2R? Eles agora têm alguns anos de experiência de perda em seus cintos. Daquela perspectiva, eu ficaria muito surpreso se for pior do que a média da nova bicicleta.
Eu espero que se você pagar em dinheiro você poderia apenas obter seguro de responsabilidade básica por muito menos. Alguém já ouviu falar?
Tenho certeza de que um Super Duke GT satisfaria suas necessidades de torque.
Tenho certeza que sim, mas a partir de um passeio de teste anterior do SDR, também tenho certeza de que ele lidaria com a dormência da minha mão nos problemas da estrada, e isso não é uma novidade para uma moto de propósito geral. YMMV.
Hmm, meio que me faz desejar estar nesse segmento de mercado.
Certo? Eu tenho coberto o ST / All-Rounder. Eu preciso de Roadster, On-off Road e Track.
Sua moto de pista deve ser um 600 de 6 anos de idade de um corredor de clube que não é mais competitivo. Ele terá todos os presentes legais todos prontos para ir.
Eu acho que eu poderia encontrar um bom set up 750. Eu gosto da idéia de mais midrange. Nunca fui um fã dos 600s ultra-pico.
Isso faz sentido. Meu principal pensamento foi comprar uma bicicleta de pista e ser feito. Não é uma bicicleta de rua e converter.
Sim, o problema é que você vai acabar gastando dinheiro com a suspensão de qualquer maneira, porque as molas e as taxas de amortecimento ideais nunca serão idênticas para os dois pilotos.
Eu diria que, se necessário, as molas seriam suficientes. Então comece a jogar com clickers.
Eu acho que você entendeu direito. Para escolher entre o CB1000R e o Z900RS, eu iria com o revendedor que me deu um teste. Sem passeio de demonstração, sem venda!
Eu sei. Eu sou tão mimada pelo revendedor da Ducati. Você pode montar qualquer coisa que eles vendem. Eles atiram as chaves e lhe dizem para voltar quando você estiver pronto para comprá-lo.
Graças a Deus vem em uma cor diferente do verde. Um Kawasaki que atingiu o pico mais do que o meu interesse. Parece o paraíso.
Eu posso ver o ponto. Mas só se fosse luz. O Concours pode parecer um porco comparado, mas é apenas 20 lbs mais leve que o ZX14. E isso é $ 4000,00 mais barato, menos complicado, quase tão rápido e bom para turismo de esporte se não melhor eu poderia somar. Tubo é tudo que você precisa para tirar 40 quilos de folga. Mais 200 HP é fácil de conseguir nessa bicicleta. Basta perguntar ao Brock.
Concordo plenamente. O que o mercado precisa é algo mais distante de um espaço superlotado, especialmente na própria frota da Kawasaki. Algo como uma recursão do turbo 588. Alguém na Suzuki está ouvindo?
ZX-14R com ECU flash, sistema completo e bom trabalho dyno pode fazer 205 hp e 122 torque na roda.
Fatore uma grande perda de peso com esse mod. Está fora há anos. Confiabilidade comprovada. Menos complicado. Menos caro. Melhor proteção contra o vento. E provavelmente (minha estimativa) como boa eficiência de combustível em 1441cc como o impulsionado 998.
205 STD é cerca de 8,5 cv mais do que a SAE & # 8230; Assim, em números de MO, aproximadamente 196 cv.
Não, não o suficiente. Precisa que o kit turbo 300hp também.
Realmente cavando o speedo superalimentado que vai todo o turbilhão no impulso. Eles patentearam esse?
Eu possuo um Ninja 1000 que praticamente faz tudo. Mas esse H2 SX? É o unicórnio.
Eu entendo porque Sean ou qualquer outro ex-piloto adoraria essa moto. Sean pode andar de moto perto de seus limites sem uma catástrofe. Eu amo a idéia desta motocicleta, mas o dinheiro gasto com o poder extra é principalmente desperdiçado em mim.
Uma viagem típica me leva de Dallas a Snowmass Village Colorado. O primeiro dia envolve drones em estradas planas e retas. O segundo dia envolve passes nosebleed com limites de velocidade que variam de 5-35 mph. Eu não preciso de muito poder para percorrer auto-estradas solitárias, e não posso lidar com o poder nas montanhas.
Eu poderia ser melhor gastar o dinheiro extra em Sat-Nav e melhor proteção contra vento e chuva. O verão é a estação das monções no Colorado.
Grande moto, porém, e estou sempre interessado em opiniões Seans.
Eu estou bem com você lá. Diferente de um lançamento de arrasto ocasional ou corrida de alta velocidade, eu realmente não tenho nenhum uso para esse poder. Eu não posso usar 100 ou mais HP I chegou ao seu pleno potencial. Mas como você, eu não posso dizer que eu não gostaria de ter um desses (ainda mais se os ergos estivessem um pouco mais relaxados).
Isso parece a moto que eu sempre quis - um tourer SPORT bastante leve. Um pouco caro para mim. Eu ainda acho que o ZX14 com algumas malas e um escudo mais alto seria perfeito. Eu admiro a tecnologia do supercharger, mas ao mesmo tempo eu não vejo a necessidade disso. A Kawasaki precisa fornecer um catálogo para configurar o ZX14 - diferentes barras, diferentes escudos, bagagens, assentos, etc.
£ 150 peso extra, alguém?
Até 150 na ZX14? Poderia ser, mas me surpreenderia. "Eu me surpreendi antes. Com preguiça de checar.
Ela é uma menina grande, mas em todos os aspectos ela dança bem. D-Sean, evidentemente, acha que ela é uma baleia embora.
Não, eu amo o Concours14, além de alguns golpes de capacete na estrada. Só parece uma baleia em comparação com um Ninja H2 SX.
Vim aqui procurando por números de HP / TQ. Decepcionado.
A sério? Os primeiros relatórios de passeio nunca incluem corridas Dyno porque os jornalistas geralmente estão em algum local exótico e só têm algumas horas com as motos. Suas expectativas eram bobas.
Você está agindo como se os números não estivessem disponíveis. Se a moto estiver pronta para pedalar, o torque e a potência são conhecidos. É interessante para nós sabermos essas informações & # 8212; Há muitas outras estatísticas observadas no artigo, mas faltam números sólidos de torque e potência, o que é uma triste omissão. E sua falta de interesse por essa informação indica que você não gosta muito de bicicletas.
Não muito em bicicletas?
Eu tive uma resposta explicativa para ele. E então cheguei a essa última declaração e morri. Ri muito.
320 RWPD, 531 FT LBS reivindicado.
0-60 em .0738 segundos.
1/4 milha 2.3 segundos em 345 MPH.
LA para NY em 1 hora e 45 minutos (sem tráfego)
Ou você pode assistir ao vídeo.
A Kawasaki não nos deixou pesar ou dinamizar a moto porque era uma unidade de pré-produção. Será cerca de um mês antes que qualquer bicicleta de produção real seja executada em qualquer dynos independente. Desculpe, você ficou desapontado.
Bem, esse peso publicado de 573 para o H2 SE foi um pouco decepcionante. Talvez eles pudessem perder alguns quilos em produção?
Eu vou dar-lhe um ZX-14R em vez disso. Porque isso faz mais.
Eu não estou pedindo as corridas do Dyno, esse foi o outro cara & # 8230;
Isso "indica que você não gosta muito de motos". # 8221; Ha ha ha!
Bem ... vá procurar em outro lugar .. A revista Humpty Dumpty tem um especial para você.
Eu continuarei a mexer com um FJR, infelizmente.
Não fique triste. Ótimo passeio.
Você está muito melhor, francamente. Se você quiser perder peso, há muitas bicicletas ADV muito rápidas para você.
& # 8220; Confortável para uma sportbike & # 8221 ;. Exatamente. Confortável para uma donzela de ferro.
Eu acho que nós teremos que esperar pelos dois redutores de 3RD de 3 m / h até Duke montá-lo.
As companhias de seguros vão cobrar o wazoo por essa coisa, como deveriam supor. Quando caiu a qualquer velocidade, as bicicletas são inevitavelmente uma perda total, e esta é uma grande e rápida e frágil besta. Uma daquelas bicicletas que realmente só saem bem para as pessoas deve pagar em dinheiro, ter apenas cobertura de responsabilidade e segurar o resto.
Eu sempre fiz isso com minhas motos desde o final dos anos 80, sem incidentes, então provavelmente 20 mil à frente no jogo premium de seguros até agora, mas não me sinto confortável fazendo isso com $ 25.000 motocicletas. vai ficar com os meus antigos batedores. Simplesmente não posso pagar essa coisa, provavelmente muito para mim de qualquer maneira & # 8230;
Na verdade, as bicicletas devem ser seguradas com base nos registros de condução do proprietário, mais um & # 8220; small & # 8221; marcação baseada no valor da bicicleta. Andei de carro desde 1972 com um acidente há dez anos e zero tíquetes. Não sou um risco razoável?
Você está completamente correto, IMO. Eu tenho um registro semelhante de pilotagem & # 8211; um em reclamação de falta em 2000, um ingresso em 2003 ou 2004. Eu monto atualmente um.
95 bicicleta RWHP sub-800cc. Eu de repente me torno um risco muito maior de me matar em uma moto se eu mudar para algo assim (ou até mesmo estranho, para um cruzador de deslocamento maior do que faz menos força e pesa mais)? Não, embora isso também levante a questão de saber se eu tenho algum uso para tanto poder. Ele não vai me deixar mais rápido nos cantos, e minha moto atual já me entrega ao território com licença de fogo em praticamente nenhum momento. Que não é para dizer que eu não quero um, de qualquer maneira, LOL.
Eu não tenho certeza de onde você mora, mas aqui em Ontário, Canadá, o seguro de motocicleta é bem caro. Eu estou pagando cerca de CDN $ 800 / ano com um registro limpo, mais de 20 anos de experiência e uma moto sub-100HP. A maior parte desse custo é das coberturas obrigatórias & # 8211; responsabilidade, benefícios por acidente, etc & # 8211; enquanto menos de $ 100 é para os perigos abrangentes ou específicos opcionais e cobertura de colisão. Um novo ciclista em uma moto similar (que certamente é uma péssima ideia) provavelmente poderia esperar pagar mais de US $ 2.000 / ano. Apólices de seguro aqui incluem cobertura para o piloto por morte, lesão, deficiência, etc, o que é uma grande razão para o alto custo, especialmente para os novos pilotos. Se apenas o PL / PD fosse necessário, seria muito menor. O pensamento da província era de que as pessoas deveriam se assegurar contra lesões / incapacidades por acidentes de trânsito em vez de acabar consumindo serviços financiados por fundos públicos (assistência médica, pagamentos por invalidez, etc.).
Eu moro no sudoeste de Michigan, o estado dos Estados Unidos da América com as maiores taxas de seguro, não que eu tenha orgulho desse fato.
Cavalgando desde 1972? Isso coloca você em uma certa faixa etária. E você quer pilotar uma moto superalimentada de 200cv? Na visão do agente de seguros você:
a) deve ter renda disponível acima da média e.
b) Você é velho e provavelmente colidirá com a moto dentro de algumas semanas depois de possuí-la. (não minha crença, mas eles são os tomadores de decisão)
Esses fatores exigem prêmios de seguro muito altos (mais uma vez, sua opinião, não minha).
c) quanto lucro podemos roubar para nossos acionistas?
Sim, eu gostaria muito de pilotar uma moto supercharged de 200hp. Eu trabalho em uma concessionária da FCA nos EUA e gosto muito de dirigir os Challengers Hellcat e os Viper SRT. Eu não quero jogar hooligan com esses veículos, mas a experiência é muito esclarecedora e satisfatória, como dirigir um Mustang GT428 ou um Hemi Dodge Coronet na minha juventude. Tais eram os GS1000S Suzuki & CBX & # 8217; s. Divertido Divertimento Divertido até que meu papai levou o meu. >
Quanto mais lento é um Tuono que um RSV4? Porque as taxas de seguro não refletem a realidade.
As taxas de seguro da Kawasaki Z-1000 eram uma fração das taxas do Ninja 1000 e tinham motores quase idênticos. Não creio que os subscritores de seguros de motocicletas gastem tempo adequado avaliando os riscos reais.
Mantenha-o na sua sala ao lado do Steinway e segure-o como mobília.
Eu trabalhei em sinistros de seguro por um longo tempo. O lado de Underwriting tem a cabeça para cima é ainda mais do que o lado de reivindicações. Eles estão se escondendo em seus mini gabinetes com uma porta, se eles realmente chegaram a uma administração intermediária sem rosto, completamente isolados e desconectados da realidade, mas tomando decisões uniformizadas com grandes somas de dinheiro. É realmente assustador & # 8230;
Eu acho que eles também vão pelo histórico do modelo para número de acidentes, idade dos pilotos e custos de reparo. É possível que uma análise do banco de dados apresente o custo do seguro automaticamente depois que você inserir as informações da motocicleta e do piloto. No Progressive você recebe a cotação em poucos segundos, mesmo no meio da noite.
A State Farm sempre me fez muito bem. Eu tive várias reclamações ao longo dos últimos 35 anos e nunca paguei mais de 700 / ano por cobertura total em uma bicicleta, para incluir o "ZX14R". , bicicletas de vários litros, streetfighters, etc. Eles evoluíram ao longo dos últimos anos e não são tão ingênuos como os "ingênuos". como costumavam ser, mas ainda oferecem ótimos negócios em seguros de motocicletas. Espero que continue.
Sim. Meu Z1000 era quase acessível, seguro e provavelmente mais destruído do que um Ninja 1000 (reconhecidamente, menos carenagens). Eu me pergunto o quanto a Kaw poderia salvar seus clientes descartando esse nome estúpido. Sim, marketing, mas acho que as pessoas ainda descobririam o que comprar.
Não é assim que é feito. A maneira como eles fazem é:
Qual é a faixa de preço em que esta bicicleta está? 20% principais? Verifica.
Qual é o rendimento discricionário estimado do operador? Mais de US $ 1000 / mês? Verifica.
Quão desejável é o veículo? 20% principais? Verifica.
Em seguida, a taxa de seguro será de 25% do custo de aquisição da nova motocicleta. Verifica.
Eu acho que funciona mais como: podemos classificar isso como uma moto esportiva? Clip ons e carenagem completa? Verifica. Isso é um aumento de 100% no prêmio geral.
Tem as palavras GSXR ou Ninja no corpo? Verifica.
Isso é outro 100%.
Dadas as verificações prévias, vai nos custar mais de 5000 $ para cobrir uma perda total? Verifica. Isso é outro 100% na cobertura de colisão.
As companhias de seguros estão em todo o mapa com essas avaliações: eu reduzi de uma Ducati 1198SP de 170cv para uma modesta Triumph Street Triple RX 675cc com apenas 100cv e na verdade eu fui cobrado mais por ano do que pela Ducati.
As superbikes da Ducati têm as taxas de seguro mais baixas da sua classe quando eu fiz a pesquisa. Eu não sou grande em superbikes da Ducati. Eu adoraria um SS900cr embora & # 8230;
Minha cobertura total da Ducati Multistrada é de US $ 300 por ano. Minha Hayabusa no dia foi de US $ 300. Depende da empresa, da sua idade, da sua morada e do seu histórico de seguro. Alguns de vocês parecem ser massivamente contratados em seguros.
Minha multistrada com cobertura total é responsável por 400 $ do meu prêmio de 760 $. Se eu tentar substituí-lo por um ninja 1000, meu prêmio atinge quase 3 mil com cobertura idêntica. Ser escolhido é certo & # 8230;
Isso é brutal. Tenho mais de 40 anos, tenho licença há 25 anos, e minha 2016 ZX-14R custa 550 dólares por ano para cobertura total com 250/500/100. Allstate, por qualquer coisa que valha a pena.
26, 8 anos M1 licenciado, sem acidentes (tanto quanto eles sabem), um bilhete (em bicicleta) por não usar o meu sinal de volta. O ageismo é forte. Allstate wasn’t even close to competitive when I switched from progressive to Geico 2 years ago.
Do you have uninsured motorist coverage? How much liability does your insurance cover? What about your coverage, to what limit?
The insurance premium for my 2016 Tuono is lower than the premium for the 2017 FZ-10 I just bought by about $70/yr and lower than the premium for my 2011 Ninja 1000 by $33/yr and has way more horsepower than either one. I also have a 2015 Versys 1000GT (same engine as the Ninja); the premium is $105/yr less than the Ninja. And the premium for my ’09 Speed Triple is $80/yr less than the Ninja. Go figure. I have all my bikes insured through one company and carry the same coverage on each.
First off, awesome stable. I’m jealous. Secondly, with that many bikes, the waters become quite muddy as they can choose to rate you on the lowest risk bike then tack on the others as add ons instead of the primary bike. It is almost always significantly cheaper to add a bike onto the policy than replace an old bike with a new one. A while back when I was still considering getting a ninja 1000, I was going to buy a cheap enduro and rate as my primary ride. Would have brought my premium overall down by about 500$, but it was still too much for me to justify the ninja. I’m waiting until I can buy one for like 5 grand with low miles and just carry liability on it. I hate insurance.
I looked at Geico and Progressive and another company a few years ago. They’d write policies on most of the bikes I had at that time, but not on the ZRX1200R because it was “high risk”. I had the Spd3 then, too. The ZRX belonged to the same person the other bikes did. Why would I be crazy on one but not all? I said it was all or nothing, so they got nothing. I’ve stayed with State Farm. They insure them all (I have more than just fast bikes) along with my cars and house and I get a better rate than the other companies could/would give me. But I have yet to figure out the rate structure. It seems to be all over the place. When I walk into my insurance agent’s office, she says, “What did you buy now?” 🙂
Insurance rates are probably the only thing keeping me from getting a ZX14. I’ve wanted one for years now. I guess if I take the risk and self insure like you did, I could probably afford it.
What are the odds of the center stand and heated grips being offered as accessories? Since you’ve got to buy the bags anyway, being able to add the other two items could make the base model a bit of a bargain.
I believe you can add all the options on the SE to the standard model. But I suspect it will cost you twice as much.
Rápido? Way. Fugly? Way more.
Better lookin than the SDRGT!
Like that’s difficult.
Grande escrita. Mention Ninja to an insurance company and they snarl and snap but say Versys LT and they roll over and ask to have a belly rub. The rates for my Versys 1000 were 38 bucks less than my Tiger 1200 XC.
Maybe they should have named it a ‘Versys Maximus’?
I love all the renaming suggestions in this thread.
Two things leave me cold about the Ninja 1000: insurance rates and 336 watts charging power. And that’s assinine coming from a “touring” category bike. For instance, the Triumph Street Twin 900 street bike cranks out 660 watts. Could heat the grips, seat, two people’s full gear, power a GPS, radar det., charge a couple phones, and run an air compressor on that. The Ninja? not so much.
“In fact, it is probably the best motorcycle Kawasaki has ever made.”
High praise. Takes in some territory, that does.
That is indeed a bold statement. I’m biased but the ZRX1200R in Eddie Lawson green I’ve had since 2001 seems like a totally fantastic bike still, after all these years, and I’ve also owned two expensive Ducatis, and three really good Triumphs in the intervening years (and tested everything I could get my hands on). I wonder if the H2 SX will seem as good 16 years from now?
The ZReX is one of the handsomest motorcycles ever made, to my eye. I hope to find a pristine example and keep it forever. Or a Z900RS Cafe, if those geniuses at Special K send it stateside….
Nothing full of creases and kinks and points and jagged lines ever lasts after a few years. Notice how immediately the Z900RS Cafe took to most people’s liking? It’s all curvy and swoopy and conservative, with totally modern technology. I personally am tired of everything coming from Japan looking like a cat caught in a Van de Graaff generator; even the automobiles are gaudy.
Cruise Control and heated grips? Yipes! Now, all it needs is self cancelling indicators a gear indicator and an oil gauge like my 1982 GS1100E had. THen we’d be gong someplace.
By the way, the bike you are reviewing – according to the photos - is a SX-SE, not an SX.
And it is indicated as such several times in the story.
Good to see a first video…but the video is kind of bad. I mean, the on board video is 1970s quality.
Uh, let’s say this very second I could afford to put 5-7 grand down if I actually wanted this monster. 15 grand financed is like 300$ a month. Okay that’s not bad at all. Call up Geico, find out that it’s 4 grand a year to insure? You’re paying more per month on insurance than the bike. Posso pagar? Certo. Can I justify spending more disposable income on insurance than the machine it’s covering? HELL NO.
If you’re insuring you bikes through Geico…you’re doing it wrong.
Best price for the 5 major insurers. I was surprised too.
Hey MO, what’s going on over there?
Poor DC looks away for a second, and you MOrons go and break something.
Trying to scrub it from the system at Kawasaki’s request. Apparently the rest of the world was upset that MO was given such a big lead, so they applied pressure to their respective distributors who applied pressure to Japan… and so on, and so on. In the end, we agreed to take it down out of respect for Kawasaki.
And out of respect for MO, I take down my little screen shot.
You scooped the whole world, and they didn’t like it.
Keep up the good work, you MOrons.
Thanks for understanding!
It sounds like you made the right decision. Besides, I already read the article twice and watched the video, so…. sure, take it down. I knew something was up when both the article and YouTube video disappeared. Thank you for giving us the straight scoop.
Why is there a picture of a MultiStrada below the headline?
Just for that, I’m buying a CB1000R instead of a Z900RS.
That’ll show KHI, right Gabe?
You don’t need another roadster. Unless you’re planning on trading in the Bavarian filling extractor.
Unlike the S1000XR, my bike does not vibrate badly at all.
I tested both bikes back-to-back, and the difference was night-and-day.
But you’re right. The S1000R is prolly the last roadster I ever need buy.
Uh, but that won’t necessarily stop me!
But in this case I just wanted to say something supportive of MO.
(The opportunity to have a little jab at Gabe’s cynicism was pure gravy.)
Ah, I thought all the balancer bereft Bavarian bikes basically shared that feature.
Upvote for alliteration!
Thank you kindly =D.
How badly do you need to tour? There’s a ton of ADV bikes for that. How badly do you need to go fast? There’s a ton of lighter and just-as-fast non-boosted bikes for that.
Purchase price is a little goofy for what it accomplishes. Insurance is guaranteed to be hideous…….almost as bad as the tail and face on this.
Kawasaki, you already have potentially 3 bikes in the bigger size of power for “touring” in the lineup (Concours 14, ZX-14R, Ninja 1000). Supercharge a new engine, say a 500-550cc Vtwin on a lightweight premium suspension and brakes, quarter-faired sort of VFR-flavored sporty bike with good tank range. Feito. Hurry up before Suzuki decides to release the Recursion turbo.
Concours 14, ZX-14R….not for long.
What a load of crap that announcement was and is.. I am done with this site and any products it shills to tbe reader.. To pause coverage is a joke and absurd… Imagine a news outlet saying “we will cease reporting on this issue until Fox news and MSNBC has a chance to take a look”.
They can’t exactly give Kawasaki the finger when they ask them to take down the article. Well, I mean, they could, but then we’d never get a MO review of the Z900rs, and I’m waaay more interested in that one.
Hear, hear. And bring in the Cafe model, dadgummit. Rackumfrackum dingbing corporate bureaucratic nonsense.
“No, dadgummit rackumfrackum, I said the sheriff is a “
Classy way to handle the situation. Looking forward to the full “Kawasaki Approved” teste.
Love me some Kawasaki!!
I thought that was the whole point of an “exclusive” first ride, the scoop. It seems like normally the other magazines would have the bike in the next week so I guess the extra crying is because they have to wait longer than normal?
Maybe replace it with your engagement photo shoot with Evans until the story can go back up.
How times have changed! I recall when MO 1st came out, when print was King, how it was the red headed stepchild. Now print is dead, Online is King, MO was there first, has paid it’s dues, and is an important player in motorcycle journalism.
Classy and well handled, respecting Kawasaki’s wishes. Just don’t let this classy thing go to far now – this is MO after all 😛
So the haters got jealous you were able to review it first. Parece razoável.
It was that forbidden picture with Evans riding pillion, wasn’t it?
I saw the video before it was removed and it looks to me that the bike would be even more fun to ride on the road and magnet for bike fans than the new Ducati V4 Panigale. I’m glad Kawasaki have embraced the angular and somehow without going overboard on discomfort for the sake of the still photo. Shame that superchargers raise all alarms with insurers.
Well…I got to see it! Very cool. I’m tryin to get one myself right now. SWEET bike fer sure. Keep up the great work guys!
Oh well, and I remember the Honda 450 Scoop that Cycle World did in 1966… we all were amazed at the wonder of it all. A BIG bike from Japan…a serviceman in Japan had one before anyone in the USA and allowed the mag to ride and report on it. Sad story and true story end was the serviceman was killed in Viet Nam shortly after…. So you guys were smart in pulling the story and waiting until the rest of the world catches up. My the 450 Big Bomber rider rest in peace. Look it up it is true…
Good thing I saved the article!! 🙂
A new class of motorycle has been invented. Not just a “high speed bagger”, but a “continental ballistic bagger” or “CBB”.
So when is the presser scheduled for this bike anyway? When can we expect to see the review again (or a new review)?

Aside Glance.
Edit Locked.
A form of fourth wall breakage, an Aside Glance occurs when an actor gives a brief, silent glance to the camera as a way of acknowledging that their current situation, or the person they're speaking to, is stupid, weird or otherwise unusual. Alternatively, it is also utilised as a form of Medium Awareness that the characters know they're in a show.
It's generally used as a way to acknowledge the audience's assumed reaction and show that the glancing character is just as smart as them and just as aware of the absurdity of the situation. Importantly, the glancer should never speak to the audience, nor should the other characters (if it is fiction) acknowledge that the person just glanced away.
The glance can be either a normal look or an Eye Take.
The trope has its roots in the "aside", a trope in European dramatic tradition that had characters making one-line comments to one another which are unheard by the other characters. Originally this was used to undercut dramatic tension but was turned around over time to allow for serious usage, in plays such as Hamlet . Characters also began to make remarks to the audience or to themselves rather than to other characters, akin to thought balloons in comics. This was modified into the silent glance, which was used in stage comedy routines and subsequently found its way into the films of Laurel and Hardy and other movie comedians, thus making it Older Than Television at least. The speaking version still exists, too, in various contexts, including comics; see Aside Comment. Compare Fourth Wall Psych and Meaningful Look.
Used a lot in This Is Reality situations.
In Kekkaishi , Tokine is discussing with Tokiko about bridges to dimensions, Tokiko then makes a out of the blue comment that Tokine should not be so hyperactive, when she was acting normally the entire time, Tokine then proceeds to make an Aside Glance to the audience complete with the transitional Face Fault. In Kill la Kill , the main character throws an aside glance at the screen after Mako and her sibling make a scene in the first episode. CLANNAD Kyou and Tomoyo both do this after teasing Sunohara into another outburst. Kyou gives Tomoyo one when Tomoyo gives Nagisa her Graceful Loser line, "So you're why he's doing this. I'm so glad it's for someone like you." After telling Sunohara that since Kappei kept talking to him about Ryou, it means he trusts him, right? And therefore he must be interested in him right? So it's Operation: Jealousy riiiight? He doesn't actually give an aside glance, since he doesn't have a sprite. But he does say briefly '. what?' to the reader before continuing on. The page image is Kyoya doing this in the first episode of Ouran High School Host Club after Tamaki gets red-faced when he FINALLY realizes Haruhi is a girl. The title character of Lupin III does this at least constantly . Kaname throws us one in the second episode of Full Metal Panic! after Sōsuke buys into a very obvious con to force him into garbage duty. In the second episode of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann , Kamina makes an exceptionally boisterous boast, causing Yoko to look at the camera momentarily and wonder aloud where he gets his confidence. This is immediately lampshaded by panning out to show that she was talking to thin air. Lucky Star When Tsukasa found out Konata's dad can tie the sash of a yukata. Konata herself does this frequently, sometimes to take a jab at Kagami. K-On! : "I thought I'd try to do my best in life." One Piece In a relatively early episode, Chopper starts to yell at Nami when she wakes up from her sickness at Dr. Kureha's place, and then he acts awkwardly all of a sudden, prompting Nami to look directly into the camera and ask aloud if he can't hide his feelings. Sanji does this twice in the beginning of the sixth movie when one of the island's champions, Muchigoro, is introduced. First time, he tells the audience that Muchigoro's definitely an idiot. The second time he does this is after Muchigoro is tricked by Usopp saying, "See? He's an idiot." Usopp does this multiple times after meeting the Barbar sand pirates during the Alabasta arc in a filler episode. In the anime adaptation of Haruhi Suzumiya Kyon does one following one of Haruhi's many, many enthusiastic rants. In an episode of ufotable's adaptation of Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] , Lancer gives a particularly smarmy version of this when Rin tries to claim that there is nothing going on between her and Shiro.
The only character in Raphael's The School of Athens who seems to see the viewer is an Italian pretty boy who looks suspiciously like Raphael himself.
Superman : Through much of the Golden Age and Silver Age, he would end a story by giving the reader a wink, usually when one of his supporting cast made a clueless remark about his Secret Identity. Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? would be the last time the Pre-Crisis Superman does it. In DC One Million , we discover the ultimate fate of Superman: In the distant future, he spends 100,000 years hibernating in the sun, and emerges in the 853rd century as an unstoppable super-god. After bringing Lois and the entire planet Krypton back to life with a wave of his hand, his final act is to give the reader one last knowing wink. Several Silver Age Supergirl stories ended with the Girl of Steel glancing to the reader and winking. Iron Man and Spider-Man gave a prominent Aside Glance prior to the Civil War. In the previous issues, Mary-Jane had suffered a broken arm, then shown up shortly after without a cast or anything. When fans pointed out the mistake, the writers added a discussion between Parker and Stark, revealing that Stark had fixed her up with some kind of injected bone glue. The panel immediately after the explanation shows both characters looking straight at the reader. In an issue of Marvel Knights: Spider-Man , Peter and Liz Allan get talking during a high-school reunion. Liz reflects on how weird their lives have been, from the Living Brain attacking the school to Harry Osborn (and his dad) both being the Green Goblin, and concludes that sometimes, it feels like Peter's the only normal person she knows. Peter's reaction is priceless. Deadpool's insanity often has him doing this. After all, he is one of the few Marvel characters who realizes he's fictional, and uses it to his advantage regardless of medium (for example, beating up enemies with his ownHyper Combogauge or asking the narrator if they can help). The Joker tends to do this, due to him being one of the only DCU characters who is self-aware of his status as a comic book character. Meta-awareness is frequently part of the Joker's toolbox. Near the end of the "Emperor Joker" comic storyline, he actually yells at the comic's artist . Done in the Disney Comics Beagle Boys story "Short Order Crook". After being instructed to by "Cousin Half-Pint" (a short Beagle Boy), the Beagle Boys have torn off their numbers so they can't be identified but then become confused about which of them is which, not even remembering their own numbers and as two of them are discussing it, Cousin Half-Pint looks out of the comic at the reader and scowls while jerking a thumb at the other two, as if to ask "can you believe how stupid they are?" Often frustrated by her apocalypse-survivor-buddy Ace and his foolish beliefs and behaviors, Gwen occasionally glances at the reader with a kind of "do you believe this?" stare. Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space.
Calvin and Hobbes featured this quite a few times. Just about every single strip of B. C. or The Wizard of Id has a character doing this. Huey Freeman of The Boondocks does this regularly, making just his reactions to the stupidity of those around him just as funny as any of his rants. Garfield does this in many of its strips, usually Jon while Garfield is thinking a snarky comment, despite his seeming inability to hear Garfield. In Bloom County , after Opus's mother has been kidnapped by the Mary Kay Commandos, he vows to track her down. Milo Bloom tells him that it's "all beginning to sound like. like a bad comic strip !" This is predictably followed by a Beat Panel with both of them facing straight forward.
Used frequently by the title character in The Joker Blogs , but justified in the fact that there actually is a cameraman for the Joker to Aside Glance at, and that the Joker already has Medium Awareness and regularly breaks the fourth wall in the comics. One of the funnier uses:
Frodo in Ralph Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings . Disney's Peter Pan . Captain Hook is taking Tiger Lily to be drowned. As the Crocodile follows them, he turns and looks directly at the viewers. Who Framed Roger Rabbit Jessica Rabbit makes at least 3 of these. There's a subtle one during her singing number right before she sits on Eddie, then another after knocking out Roger with a frying pan and dumping him in the trunk of a car, and a very quick one as she's getting into Benny the Cab in Toontown. Roger looks into the camera at the end of the film, right after Jessica tells him she'll bake him a carrot cake after they get home. Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers has Pete doing this thanks to the Running Gag of the same music playing every time the opera poster is shown. It's a bit hard to tell in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs , but when the fat, penitent, diaper-clad "Baby" Brent tries to convince Sam and Flint to let him come along on their attempt to stop the food machine, putting his arm on Sam's shoulder for emphasis, she briefly turns and gives an uncomfortable look to either Flint, the camera, or both. In Hoodwinked , Red Puckett practically is a master of this, as there are at least four or five that she gives during her story. Red throws a magazine from the treehouse — which lands on a passing car's windshield and blinds the driver, who immediately drives into a tree. We cut back to a close-up of Red right before the crash, and when we hear the impact, she silently tenses up and shoots a glance at the camera. When Red is taking the recipe book from behind the Concealing Canvas in Granny's store, the woodpecker she is with asks if the Bandit will get the book. Red turns to the bird and replies, "Not today," with the camera angle positioned such that it looks like she's speaking to the camera. When Red encounters Japeth and he denies having spoken normally instead of singing for a brief second, she pauses to give the camera an exasperated stare. Two others happen with Red during "Be Prepared", the song in Japeth's shack: she does an indirect Aside Glance when she says "Oh, good. More singing," after pleading to Japeth for help causes him to break out in song. Also, when the line "I got horns that open pickle jars.." comes up, Red holds out a pickle jar for Japeth to pop the lid off of, then gives a bemused look at the camera. The Wolf does one himself, after his hyperactive assistant and photographer Twitchy claims he doesn't drink coffee — while talking so fast it's hard to understand what he's saying. In The Man Called Flintstone , Fred looks at the audience during the song "Spy Type Guy". In Alpha and Omega , Eve tries to tell her daughter how to handle her date if he gets out of line. Being Eve, her advice was to "take those beautiful teeth of yours, go for the throat, and don't stop until the body stops shaking". Kate's response was wide-eyed shock, during which she gives an Aside Glance. Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame actually winks at the viewers for a few seconds during her dance at the Feast of Fools before poledancing with a spear. Ray from The Princess and the Frog does one when Louis has an overblown reaction to being pricked by a thorn. Seta from Grave of the Fireflies gives a mildly scolding look at the audience near the end of the film, specifically juvenile delinquents of Japan in 1980s. Takahata specifically made the film for the delinquents to appreciate what they have while understanding what their parents would have suffer from the war. A great moment in Fantasia 2000 where Donald Duck as Noah's assistant sees a pair of realistic ducks boarding the ark and turns to the audience with a baffled expression. Heavy Metal , segment "Den". After Ard gives his ultimatum (" die, she dies, everybody dies!"), Den turns to the camera and thinks/narrates "Sounded reasonable to me!"
In the film of Evita , Che does this frequently, most notably at the end of "Good Night and Thank You". Our Miss Brooks : Miss Brooks does this a few times in the the theatricalseries finale, i. e. her confused expression upon meeting Mrs. Davis. However, her expressions were very much testament of her feelings rather than an attempt to break the fourth wall. Critics noticed this in Meet The Spartans , seemed aimed at the audience for watching the movie. Tyler looks at the camera in Fight Club after Marla's particularly disturbing pillow talk My God, I haven't been fucked like that since grade school. Common in Buster Keaton's short films. Oliver Hardy was a master of this. While uproariously funny in itself, it was often used to pad out a gag to give the audience time to finish laughing so they wouldn't miss the next bit of dialog. In order to get a really exasperated expression on Oliver Hardy's face, these scenes would be shot at the end of the day when he was itching to finish up and get to the golf course. Used thrice in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back ; One early example has Jay and Silent Bob talking to Holden McNeil about their plans to stop the Jay And Silent Bob Show Within a Show from being made. Holden tries to tell them that the project won't go anywhere anyway, saying "A Jay and Silent Bob movie? Who would pay to see that?", which is immediately followed by all three of them looking at the camera. Silent Bob smiles. A cop tells Federal Wildlife Marshall Willenholly that someone may have arranged a breakout of animals to draw attention away from a jewelry robbery. He says that sounds like something out of a bad movie, and all the characters turn to look at the camera. An angle change reveals that they all just happened to look along the road at the same time. And when Jay and Silent Bob finally get to the Hollywood filmset, they come across Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as they argue about their current roles in Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season . They take pot shots at various movies both have done, until finally Affleck says, "What do I keep telling you? You gotta do the safe picture, then you do the art picture. And then sometimes you gotta do the payback picture because your friend says you owe him." [Both look at camera.] During the massive argument that breaks out at the climax of Blake Edwards' A Shot in the Dark , Clouseau vainly tries to restore order but winds up staring helplessly into the camera. The Naked Gun series of movies contains these regularly. A chase sequence in the classic Burt Reynolds film Smokey and the Bandit sees Bandit outwit a police vehicle by quickly driving behind a building and turning off the lights, then slowly driving away when the policemen leaves. The Bandit stops to look back, then smiles to the camera before he roars off. Burt Reynolds' character does this again in Stroker Ace when contemplating ravishing a woman while she's asleep. Kevin of Home Alone acknowledges the audience a couple of times, usually for expository purposes; "I made my family disappear!" But the best example of this trope occurs in Home Alone 2 . He addresses the man next to him on a plane, who then begins babbling extensively in French. Kevin slowly turns and gives a good long "Why me?" look at the camera. In Death Proof , Stuntman Mike smiles at the camera before getting in his car. Eddie Murphy does this in Coming to America . Eddie Murphy also does this in Trading Places , when the Duke brothers condescendingly explain that you might find bacon in a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich. Eddie Murphy also does this in The Nutty Professor , when Jason is trying to snap him out of the Buddy Love mode. John Belushi in Animal House turns to give the camera his trademark single raised eyebrow after he climbs the ladder to look into the sorority house window and discovers the girls in the midst of a semi-nude pillow fight. All three examples above were directed by John Landis, so it's part of his Signature Style. Done at least twice in the first Inspector Gadget movie.
Angel: It was the single most painful meeting of my life.
Danny: What was the second most painful?
Tom Servo: Audience, what's your diagnosis?
They do this a lot. In Cave Dwellers the elder and his daughter are having a conversation about what to do with the MacGuffin when the elder steps away as if lost in thought but is accidentally looking straight at the camera:
Ramada: Of course I do. Sex. Wild, free, passionate, unbridled sex. I would fondle you in ways you can't imagine. I would pleasure you at any time, in any place, in any way, for as long as you could possibly desire.
Topper: [aside glance, complete with arched eyebrow]
In the first chapter of Please, Jeeves , Bertie shoots a defiant glance at the reader, asking (via the narration boxes) if we think he's weak for giving in to Jeeves so easily. In the twelfth Captain Underpants book, George and Harold wonder why their future selves don't remember some of their past adventures. They blame bad writing as they shoot a glance at the reader.
In Crazy Ex-Girlfriend , One-Shot Character and Only Sane Person Cornelia gives one when her storyline reaches the breaking point and her dysfunctional coworkers start competing for her attention like a group of middle schoolers — right before breaking into her own musical number (which, as the creators previously confirmed, is a sign of Rebecca's craziness creeping into someone's mind). In the final season of Smallville , an alternate version of Lionel Luther gives a meaningful aside glance, basically telling the audience he's pumped for the series finale.
Voice: What animal, of any description, want to live in here?
"I can't find them anywhere ."\_.
In the Hungarian Phrasebook sketch the tobacconist (Terry Jones) rolls his eyes after a fireman (Michael Palin) breaks character. Rutland Weekend Television had a sketch which featured an entire group staring into the camera . Justified, as they had become aware they were trapped by the writer, and, in an act of protest, decided to be silent. They failed upon realizing he had written that silence in as well. In The Golden Girls , Dorothy gives these a lot, especially after Rose says something stupid. Frequently used on Parks and Recreation , particularly by Ben. In an episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers called "Best Man for the Job", Kim and Tommy are having an intense running argument about their respective campaigns for class president. This extends to when they're morphed, to the point that they're delivering Offhand Backhands to Putties while arguing instead of concentrating on the fight. One of the Putties goes down, looks at the Rangers, and then looks right at the camera with a look of "You've got to be kidding me, right?" (According to Jason David Frank, a lot of the times the actors for the Rangers would dress up as Putties to help pad scenes. Gotta wonder if it was one of them.) In a first season episode of America's Next Top Model , uber-Christian Robin is commencing a group prayer when the (openly) gay atheist Ebony turns to the camera and rolls her eyes mid-prayer, in a rare example of a reality TV show personality acknowledging the camera during a non-talking head sequence. Community Troy and Abed In The Morning! Notably, one instance where Jeff berates someone for appearing on this non-show, pointing out the lack of cameras: Abed looks directly into the camera. The second documentary episode has Abed putting together a documentary with the help of a couple extra cameramen. The last shot of the episode before The Tag is Abed giving one of the other cameras a pointed look, making it a curious example, since it applies both to his in-universe documentary and the episode itself. Fran Fine does this a lot on The Nanny , often accompanied with a Fascinating Eyebrow. Mad TV 's Jordan Peele, playing as R. Kelly in "Trapped in the Cupboard," is in a grocery store and looks toward the camera during a line. Another customer notices this and looks in the same direction quizzically. Castle does this when his mother asks in bewilderment, "You haven't heard of the Serenity ?" in reference to a spiritual retreat she plans to attend. There have been a few Firefly references in the show to date; it is unclear if Nathan Fillion asks for them or if the writers are just big fans. The Burns and Allen Show : George — too many to catalog. In Miranda , the title character. O tempo todo . And once hilariously done by her mother Penny when she's imitating her daughter. The late Bob Holness in a famous Blockbusters out-take when a contestant meaning to say "organism" accidentally offers the answer "orgasm" instead. In the How I Met Your Mother episode "The Mermaid Theory", Future Ted is trying, in voice-over, to explain why Barney and Lily were arguing. As he is retracting various reasons but still not getting the story right, the two of them glance at the camera, and then Barney glances at his watch. They are, in fact, breaking the interior fourth wall with Future Ted. In other words, Barney and Lily are breaking Future Ted's fourth wall, not Neil Patrick Harris or Alyson Hannigan breaking the actual fourth wall. Simples, né? Bear of Bear in the Big Blue House was an absolute master of these in the form of Eye Takes in response to the craziness that sometimes occurred around him. Johnny Carson of The Tonight Show was particularly known for delivering bewildered aside glances to the audience whenever the guest did something particularly humorous or surprising. Most other talk show hosts do the same. Happens amusingly on Glee when one of its voiceovers appears to be from Brittany. until it turns out that she's actually speaking, and Blaine has no idea who she's talking to or what she's staring at. Occasionally used in Horrible Histories , notably in the Stone Age Dragons Den skit, when the inventor pitching the concept of 'beer' seems suddenly to remember what show he's really on and stare straight at the camera: "It grown-up drink. Not for children." Impractical Jokers ' Joe Gatto is particularly fond of this when the challenge gets particularly absurd. Used a lot by Francis Urquhart/Underwood (especially when he's feeling particularly clever) in House of Cards and its American remake. In the Home Improvement episode "Unchained Malady", Tim has been having a string of bad luck which he starts to believe is from his not forwarding a chain letter that he had scoffed at earlier. One of the warnings at the end of the letter was that "a naval officer in Borneo disregarded this letter and three days later he was decapitated". Tim talks to Wilson for reassurance later, and has this exchange with him:
Debbie: They are the smartest audience on TV.
[Camera cuts to a side view and they all turn to stare into the camera for a few seconds]
Performed several times by members of the Blue Цyster Cult in the video for Joan Crawford Has Risen From The Grave . Guitarist Eric Bloom performs the action when he discovers a carelessly discarded pair of panties which appear to have been thrown from an upstairs window; he turns to camera and raises an eyebrow with an expression that says "Well, what do you think is going on here?". A little later, a procession of almost-innocent looking Catholic Schoolgirls note who have indeed thrown away their mascara, indeed for now emerge from an upstairs room and trek downstairs past most of the band while they perform. they are followed after a discreet interval by keyboards player Allen Lanier (looking, for the video, like the sort of very seedy individual who would be in an upstairs room with a bunch of schoolgirls), who slinks downstairs trying to look inobtrusive, but registers very obvious alarm on realising the camera is watching him before taking his place, hurriedly, at the keyboards. Lanier's guilty aside glances at the camera recur throughout the video, as do one or two knowing grins from the girls. Devin Townsend does this himself in the video for Juular . Twice . At the same time. A minute into the song, just before the second verse kicks in ( "Lady Vagine. " ), both Devin and Juular (played by Devin in heavy make-up) glance out through the window of the train carriage . While Juular simply looks out, then back at his "handler", Devin goes one step further, waving his right hand to conduct the backing chorus of his own song before looking back in Juular's direction, just in time to start singing. In the video for "Without Me" by Eminem, Dr. Dre raises his sunglasses and gives the camera a very confused look in response to Eminem's over-the-top dance moves as Rap Boy (a parody of the 60s Batman's Robin) while the two are riding along in Dre's car.
Done by various characters on the backglass art for Bally's Eight Ball and Eight Ball Champ. Two of the characters in the backglass for Sharkey's Shootout give sidelong glances to the viewer. The human woman on the backglass of Big Bang Bar cocks her head backwards to look at the player.
In a summer 2011 episode of WWE Raw , CM Punk gives the hard camera an unimpressed glance when met with verbal threats—including being called "a skinny-fat ass" from Triple H during a promo. This gave birth to the "CM Punk Is Not Impressed" meme. He would later turn to the camera with the same glance in early 2012 when John Laurinaitis was trying to brag about himself and convince Punk to forgive and forget everything he had done. Gene Okerlund would do this constantly during a particularly odd interview, particularly with Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and The Undertaker. The look on his face basically read, "I hope you people understand this because I'm lost." La Rosa Negra did them whenever the Ring Warriors crew seemingly ribbed her by periodically cutting out her themes to unfitting music.
Often done by the Muppet characters on Sesame Street , The Muppet Show , etc. In one scene in The Muppet Movie , after getting thrown about in a bar brawl, Kermit mutters to the audience "I hope you appreciate that I'm doing my own stunts," and the piano player gives the camera a "who are you talking to?" sort of look. Happens in an episode of Mongrels that had numerous jokes surrounding the September 11th attacks. The characters lampshade it by repeatedly saying that the events in the episode had nothing to do with religion, then glance at the camera. In one episode of Candle Cove, Janice asks the Skin Taker why his jaw moves back and forth, he looks at the camera, not her to give his answer "to grind your skin".
In the opening of the first act of Sunday in the Park with George , Georges is painting Dot and is disappointed with her bad concentration. The end of the first act involves all the characters freezing into the positions of the people in the famous painting. & # 9674; When the second act opens, the cast is still stuck in the positions in which they were painted. Jules tells Dot "[she has] excellent concentration." Dot breaks character for a moment and gives the audience an Aside Glance. Alice Ripley, who originated the role of Diana in Next to Normal was known to give the audience a knowing glance anytime something funny happened onstage. Live productions of Avenue Q occasionally have Trekkie Monster give the audience an exasperated aside glance when Kate confidently claims that "Normal people don't sit at home and look at porn on the internet." Much laughter ensues.
The main character of Crash Bandicoot , especially the original trilogy, in SPADES. On a side note, he even has separate stance animations depending on whether you turn him to the camera or sideways: straight brings a smirk on his face (he SEES you!), turning him sideways makes him look derpy. Jak and Daxter In Jak II: Renegade , in order to sign up for the races, Jak and Daxter must sign a contract. One of the stipulations is giving away rights to almost any use of their likenesses. When he gets to the final entry ("Game rights?!") he and Jak glance at the screen. Similarly, at one point in Jak 3: Wastelander , a young monk in Spargus City tells our heroes "This isn't a game!", and the two look at the camera with befuddled expressions on their faces. In The Secret of Monkey Island , Herman Toothrot frequently does this. Guybrush has the option to ask him what he's looking at, and Herman responds "The people watching at home, of course!" Super Mario Bros. Super Mario RPG : Dodo will glance out at the player several times during his appearances, mostly when he's confused, annoyed, or feeling especially put upon. Super Paper Mario : Luvbi shoots an exasperated look at the "camera" whenever she is bored or unimpressed. Mario Party (the first one): On the Rainbow Castle board, when Bowser sells you the useless black star for 40 coins, the character turns around and looks into the camera. As expressed in this video . Mario's expression just says "Can you believe this shit?". It also happens in Luigi's Engine Room, when Bowser activates his "Make As Many Coins As You Want Mecha" to create a coin for the player (at the cost of 20 coins). During the first dinner scene in Deadly Premonition , York looks straight into the camera while talking to his split personality Zach. The fourth wall has a hard time in this game. During the intro to the fight with Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes . While said boss is flaunting his impressive psychic abilities, he boasts the ability to move things with his mind and offers to demonstrate. He then tells the player to put the controller on the ground. The camera suddenly shifts to a side-view of Snake, who turns to the camera and nods, gun still trained completely on Mantis. Ratchet & Clank Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando , as the villain escapes the area they just arrived in:
Clank: We always seem to be a bit late. Por que é que?
( both look at the camera with puzzled expressions )
In both the first and second games, Ratchet will turn his head to look at the player questioningly if he hasn't moved recently, even while firing a weapon . The interval can be disconcertingly short. The intro to Lemmings 2: The Tribes ends with the elder telling the little lemming that the tribes will have help from "the ones who saved us before", whereupon they both turn their heads towards the screen and look directly at you. The Bard from the 2004 version of The Bard's Tale does this in several cut scenes, even talking back to the narrator. This is the default stance the Turtles have in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game for the NES, which is a bit annoying as they are constantly staring at you whenever they are standing still. They would do this in the actual arcade game, too. Though at least there the Turtles would face forward for a second or two and then look at the player as if saying, "Still there?" The Sims Characters in The Sims 2 often channel this trope: they will occasionally just glance up at you, the player, positioned in the sky looking down upon them. This is particularly amusing when you pause while they are doing this, making them freeze staring at that spot in the sky, move the camera elsewhere, and then unpause to watch them shift their gaze to the camera's new position. With the University Expansion pack, you could tell any sim to look at you and smile on demand for photos. You could even have them pose in various ways while looking at you. During a created wrestler's Road to Wrestlemania in Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 , Santino Marella does this and winks at the player after commenting that the created wrestler "looks like something some loser would make in a video game." Mass Effect : Liara gives a warm one when Shepard refuses to hand her over to a Krogan mercenary. Mass Effect 3 : Joker looks at the camera when making the "Russian National Anthem" comment after engaging the stealth drive, in case you missed the Shout-Out to The Hunt for Red October . Kirby Super Star and its remake, Super Star Ultra , does this during the tutorial. When the tutorial narration describes Kirby as "a pretty jolly guy," he looks at the screen with a raised eyebrow. His expression tells the whole story. Used in a rather Looney Toons way in King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow in a couple places where Alexander can fall off cliffs. Instead of immediately falling, he stands in the air, looks at the player, and waves before falling to his death. In a similar scene where the fall is not fatal, he can be heard to yell "Hey, quit making me fall!". This is more of a generic fourth wall break, however. Quite a bit of Star Trek: Borg might fall into this trope, but it's mostly justified since the player is seeing things entirely from the perspective of a character. Some of Q's reactions to "you" that the rest of the characters don't pick up on definitely count, however. Used by the title character in Voodoo Vince , during his first meeting with Cosmo the Inscrutable — in response to the latter's Evil Laugh. The Legend of Zelda At the beginning of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask , once Link has been turned into a Deku Scrub and Tatl "apologizes" he looks at the camera, and shrugs helplessly. Link's Twilight Princess incarnation also glances in your direction if you leave him standing in one place long enough. Presumably to check you're still there. Donkey Kong does this in Donkey Kong Country Returns when one of the Tiki Tak Tribe members tries and fails to hypnotize him. In Spyro: A Hero's Tail , Ember asks Spyro if the dark gem next to her would make a nice engagement ring, flirting with him. Spyro gives an Oh, Crap! look directly to the camera in response. Sonic the Hedgehog In Sonic Generations , when Amy is rescued by Classic Sonic, and she gushes over him, Classic Sonic gives the most appropriate Aside Glance ever. In the Genesis games, if Sonic stood still too long he would look at the player and tap his foot impatiently. The smiling Character Portrait of both protagonists of Devil Survivor and its sequel double as this, as if to tell player, "Nice choice!" In Ghost Trick , if you ever get caught by "Bad Sissel", a. k.a. Yomiel , they react by freezing time, and then turning and looking directly at the camera. They then promptly tell you that you can't stop them, and cause an instant game over. It's somehow very unsettling and creepy. Muramasa: The Demon Blade by Vanillaware has the protagonists appear to give these glances periodically whenever they run for a period of time, but this can be interpreted as them looking out for enemies, who pop up out of nowhere when encountered (barring the locations where they're already in place on the map). More to the point, in an odd fashion, the extremely bustyKongiku randomly gives an Aside Glance and sways her body (which also jiggles her breasts) for no apparent reason whenever she's idle. This is referenced in Dragon's Crown , where one of the Sorceress's animations has her mimicking Kongiku's glance and swaying. Again for no apparent reason. At this point, it seems to be a subtle lampshade on both characters' appearances and the fact that some players would stand there and ogle them anyway. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma gives us Hakumen - or should we say, Pakumen - after Amane's Astral Heat. After the sudden transformation, he turns to face the camera as if to say "What the eff?!" about what just transpired. In the supplemental video "Meet the Medic" for Team Fortress 2 , the Heavy can be seen directing some concerned glances toward the camera. In the opening cutscene for "The Long Stretch" in Grand Theft Auto V , Franklin has already been in an awkward situation, what with walking in on his aunt Denise and her friends in the middle of some intense, um, vagina clenching exercises. But then when he opens the front door to leave, only to see Lamar and Stretch coming to see him, he looks back to the camera with this irritated "Oh God. could this get any worse?" expressão. In Final Fantasy VII , after Cloud's hallucination, fainting and subsequent encounter with Mukki in the "&$#% Room", he finishes the cutscene by turning towards the camera and shrugging. It's a bit of a Running Gag in the Dragon Age series, thus far happening Once an Episode. In Dragon Age: Origins , in the village of Lothering, the Warden must persuade a priestess to give them the key to another character's prison. This is more easily accomplished if the Warden first recruits Leliana (who is in the same village), as she vouches for the Warden. When the priestess agrees, Leliana tells her in a reassuring voice that she will have no cause to regret doing this. As she finishes the statement, she outright glares at the camera. In Dragon Age II, Hawke can ask returning character Bodahn about his adventures with the previous game's protagonist. He turns and gives his praise of the Warden directly to the camera. Leliana does it again in Dragon Age: Inquisition , when arguing with Chancellor Roderick. She reminds him that she and Cassandra "serve the Most Holy," then turns to the camera while adding, "As you well know." It's an interesting example, given that this is something that the player does not necessarily know about the two women. Carol of Freedom Planet gives a "blegh!" face to the camera while Milla plays with Lilac's hair. At the end of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , specifically the Blood and Wine Expansion, in the final scene Geralt can comment on the long road he (and by extension, the player) took to get to this point. He then contemplates the fact that he deserves a rest, then gives the camera a warm, if tired look, acknowledging everything you've done to get him there. Especially heartwarming if you powered through the whole series start to finish rather than starting with the third game, and experienced as much of the side content as you could.
Used at least once in Neurotically Yours . In the "Jiggly Butt" episode, Germaine asserts that she doesn't have to stop shaking her rear because nobody can see her. Foamy glances knowingly at the audience. The characters in Zero Punctuation will stop and look at the fourth wall if Yatzee says something particularly odd. The Guitar Hero review is probably the best example. Since Handy from Happy Tree Friends lacks hands, he does an annoyed glare into the camera whenever he has to do something that requires hands. In RWBY Episode 7, Volume 2, Lie Ren delivers one regarding Nora Valkyrie's comment about Jaune asking Pyrrha to a dance. Hotdiggetydemon tends to do this a lot in his animations. For example, in Fazbear & Friends , Foxy does this twice in the space of a minute.
The Hulking Shyster of A Moment of Peace made a somewhat traumatic aside glance in this comic . Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire : Most major characters are guilty of it at one point or another. Mostly in response to a really bad, off-beat joke. This is a trademark move of the title character. Possibly lampshaded, considering he's a seer who cannot only see into other dimensions, but has actually BEEN to some of them. Donovan pulls it off once as well. The humor being that the joke isn't explained until almost a year later. Schlock Mercenary : Schlock does this during "The Teraport Wars II" . Also one in "The Longshoreman of the Apocalypse II" , though he's on camera that time and, admittedly, what he says next is about the cameraman. Ennesby, again in "Longshoreman" . The Order of the Stick This is used heavily in the prequel books. Roy does it in "Multiclass Discrimination" when Elan is annoying Miko while she transports them to Azure City. Savage Ladybird gives us a good one in Maliki . Pete Abrams of Sluggy Freelance is fond of this move, especially when he's dissatisfied with the quality of previous strips.
Character Two: Why the exposition? You're acting like the last two strips were badly drawn and impossible to follow. ( followed by an aside glance )
Mimic manages the exploit of doing an obvious one while lacking eyes :
Mimic: Yer gonna have t'be more specific than that.
Echo Chamber uses this all the time (Justified in that the cameraman is an actual character), and the other characters frequently have to react to him being extremely strange. Used frequently in KateModern , with the added bonus that the show's Character Blog format enables this while leaving the Fourth Wall intact. Done several times in Dorm Life , justified due to its Mockumentary style. Used at the end of More Brawl Taunts , a collection of jokes regarding Super Smash Bros. Brawl written by Rina-chan and animated by Kirbopher. At the end of the main bit, the scene jumps back to the two watching it, Kirb sighing and saying "Great, now we just have to wait until people put this up on YouTube without crediting us. To which Rina replies "Oh, come on Kirb, no one would do that." Both then look at the screen and simultaneously raise their eyebrows. Cue credits. The recurring character Santa Christ from That Guy with the Glasses does this while laughing. In Act III of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog , Captain Hammer does one after the groupies claim to "do the weird stuff". Pointed out and laughed at in virtually every show spoofed by The Annotated Series (This is quite the predicament, right viewers at home?). The Irate Gamer does this all the time. Seemingly as an indication for the viewers to laugh. Susan does a couple of these in The [title of show] Show episode five.
The most famous Aside Glance in the history of CGI came at the end of Luxo Jr. when Luxo Sr. turns his "face" to the camera and shakes his head. Luxo Jr. has done this in the opening credits of every film Pixar has made since. Turned up often in Looney Tunes cartoons and other animated shorts. Pretty much a trademark of Chuck Jones' work. For example, in Rabbit Fire Daffy does it after one of Elmer Fudd's bullets is imbedded in his scalp. Bugs has a blink-and-you'll-miss-it one in the same cartoon just as he's about to pull the Duck Season, Rabbit Season switch on Daffy. Elmer even does one in Rabbit Seasoning following Daffy's demand that he shoot him now. Turned up often in earlier episodes of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius , especially when Sheen was around. Generally performed by Jimmy himself. Animaniacs In the episode "Hello, Nice Warners", the Warner siblings pull a simultaneous aside glance after a Jerry Lewis caricature says something ridiculous. Deconstructed when the character then asks them what they were looking at, and Wakko responds, "The people watching on TV!" Dr. Director puts his face close to the TV to say "hello". But he doesn't see anyone. Of course, this was just a distraction. Another example is with the Slappy the Squirrel being very Medium Aware in her first short.
Slappy: ( looks dryly at camera ) Don't tell him, he might crack.
Try and find an episode of Animaniacs where they didn't .
Perry gave the audience one when Dr. Doofenshmirtz unveils his latest plan to flood Danville and charge people ridiculous sums of money for the only form of transportation that he himself invented: the B. O.-A. T., which looks (and functions) exactly like a boat. Perry, despite being a Silent Snarker, seems to say to the audience "Leave it to Doofenshmirtz to 'invent' something that already exists! " Family Guy tends to do this a lot. Usually after Peter has just pointed out something using his Medium Awareness.
Hun: ( follows his gaze ) Why do you keep doing that? Who are you talking to?! There's no-one there!
Some people feel this even extends into Real Life, giving an aside glance upwards to heaven, to a random side, or to an onlooker. No examples needed. In an interview (starting at 2:00) with Darren Criss for the Glee 3D Concert movie, the interviewer makes a mention that since he is filling Daniel Radcliffe's role in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying , that there should be a "musical Potter" episode on Glee . When he remarks "Someone should do that," she replies, "You heard it here first." Cue Darren looking right into the camera to all the A Very Potter Musical fans out there. This duck. & # 9674;
Alternative Title(s): Staring At The Fourth Wall.
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